Sunday, March 4, 2012

spring forward

man, time catches up with ya quick. I MISSED MY BLOG! thank you to everyone who even glances at it, I love that you care. 

so, what to blog about today! SPRING IS COMING! SPRING IS COMING! if you live in the west, you know what day light savings is (and how irritating it can be at times) and it's over March 12th! Hallelujah! this is my second most favorite time of year after fall. anyways, why am I talking about spring? why is it totally awesome? not going in order of importance, the clothes. all the designers are coming out with new looks that's refreshing and renovated. so, here is one of my all time favorite designers, Chanel, and man oh man did she do a wonderful job this spring. look!

told ya, GORGEOUS. I know, I'm excessive, I can't do a thing about it. 

spring brings the new in. I love the phrase "spring forward" when it comes to setting the clocks because for me, that is exactly what spring does. it's that breath of fresh air (and vitamin D) that we all need after dark, cold, winter months. it has really inspired me this year to really nip what I need to in the bud and get it done. I'm ranting but I'm just so excited this year! ultimately though, this freshman year in college has been a real eye-opener for me and spring is bringing this year to a close. I'm really hoping that at a few of you who read this know exactly what it feels like. if not, cool, I'm a loon. whatever. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my freshman year has changed me and put me right down my path and really is the catalyst for the solidification of who I am and what I will stand for, what I will do with this time I have been blessed with on this earth. I heard this quote in a song this week on KRCL (local radio station out of salt lake, amazing, 90.9, hardly any commercials, I've never heard a song repeated, listen and contribute if you haven't. trust in KRCL and you will NEVER look back) and it said, "It's better to burn out bright than to fade away." LOVE THAT! who wants to waste who they are and the time they've been given here as nothing and not leave a single mark anywhere? LAME. don't do it. I'm not. if you have faith that you can find out who you are and you take those steps to even just begin, your mind will be blown at how quickly you can unfold yourself and figure yourself out. it's wonderful. take that one step, have the faith it will work and you will spring forward. no joke. I'll shut up now. 

love you ALL

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